
How to Check the Relay Operation

The electromagnetic relay is a mechanical device, and therefore subject to wear. Before installing it is necessary to check the circuit. To carry out this operation, you can use the equipment available at each home worker.

Discover pinout relay (e.g. 4 relay module). First of all, find out where he arranged the winding connections. Also find pinout groups of contacts: normally open (which closes when triggered) and normally closed (which opens when activated). If the English documentation on the relay, the phrase "normally open" means the normally open contacts, "normally closed" - normally closed. The so-called switching contacts can be presented in two groups, one of which is normally open, normally closed and the other, which are combined and one of the terminals such that their total number is reduced from four to three.

If the operation voltage of the relay is not known, and known only to the operating current, measure the resistance of the coil. Then multiply the measurement result on the operating current (pre-translating both values in SI units), and you get a response voltage in volts. Such a method is not applicable to test relays with AC coils.

If during the previous operation you have measured the relay coil resistance, at the same time you found out whether the winding intact. If such a measurement you have not yet carried out, spend it. During measurements do not touch the terminals of the winding and probe ohmmeter, so as not to get hit the self-inductance voltage.

On the AC winding serve only to alternating voltage. Diodes it does not shunt. Try to apply for a winding DC voltage equal to the voltage operation. If the relay (e.g. 8 channel relay board) is serviceable, it will work. Conclusions winding and source terminals at the same time and do not touch the same reason. Touching the live circuit in the presence of the diode cannot be all the same, since it can at any moment be destroyed.

Use an ohmmeter to check the condition of each group of contacts. When the voltage across the coil is not, normally open groups must be open, normally closed - closed. When removing the stress situation should be changed to the opposite.

Air Compressors Banggood Sale

Air compressors - the device is intended for compression of a gas, in which can be an ordinary air, followed by feeding under high pressure. Typically, these units are used for the operation of power tools and mechanical equipment to control various manufacturing processes. Air compressors used in construction, medicine and industry.

Air compressors with a capacity of up to 100 cubic meters per minute can be divided into 2 types of construction:
- Piston;
- Screw.

For almost two centuries, reciprocating air compressor blowers do not hand over their positions. The basis of this type of device is the ability to compress the air by means of translational return movement of the piston disposed inside the housing. In operating mode, the device can provide piston air pressure to 30 atmospheres, so it can be used for complex work.

The main advantage of reciprocating compressors is the possibility of their use at high loads. Because of resistance to the aggressive action of the external environment is ensured as the durability of the entire device and its some of its parts. For proper operation of this equipment is able to serve a long time.

Reciprocating compressors are compact and relatively inexpensive. The main drawback has only one - these devices cannot operate continuously. Reciprocating compressors needs rest every 20 minutes.

Screw compressors have higher rates of ergonomics. They are intended for long-term loads. With the ability to operate smoothly over the day, these devices consume relatively little power. Due to the excellent performance screw compressors are industrial performance.

Operation of this equipment is based on the compressed air between the blades of the two continuously air compressor pressure switch control valves. This compressor has a compact size, making it convenient to use and carry.


How to Choose a Wall Clock

Well-chosen wall clock can decorate any room. However, their choice should take into account several important points to purchase is not brought disappointment and trouble.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the wall clock movement mechanism of hours. And quartz and mechanical watches have their pluses and minuses. So, quartz watches do not need winding, they are more accurate and easy to use, in addition, they are usually cheaper than mechanical, and the choice of models more. Wall mechanical watches better suited for a chic environment, they will last you much longer and do not need to change the batteries in them.

By the way, we must bear in mind that battery life in quartz watches is directly dependent on its energy consumption. Accordingly, the lower the specified parameter, the less need to change batteries. Usually, the battery should be changed once a year. Power consumption depends on the clock speed. Discrete (with visible "steps" in the movement arrows) requires less energy than the smooth. Weight arrows also influences the energy consumption, they are heavier than the more energy required hours, so these details hours often made of lightweight plastic or aluminum. If you want to DIY a wall clock by yourself, you can select the DIY clock parts at Banggood for high quality and reasonable prices.

Dial clocks may be made of ceramic, metal, wood, paper, film or cardboard. Cardboard and paper cannot tolerate moisture and temperature changes, so these watches are not worth buying for rooms with high humidity, or open-air. The film face is not afraid of water, but it is necessary to hide from direct sunlight, otherwise it may just burn. The most resistant materials are considered to be ceramic, metal and wood, but, unfortunately, they are much heavier than the other options, so they have to hang on the strong attachment that is not always possible.

In the production of interior clocks commonly used acrylic, instrumentation or mineral glass. The most durable acrylic is considered, it is extremely difficult to break, but it does not shine as much as mineral, besides, it quickly gets scratched. Instrumentation is also stronger than mineral glass, but it can be broken if desired. The most delicate mineral glass did not attract dust and is resistant to scratches.


Why Do We Need a Pen Video Camera?

What if you need to discreetly gather information? How to protect yourself and your property? These objectives perfectly cope with mini pen camera, which in appearance is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary ballpoint pen. In addition to law enforcement purposes, this device will be very useful to journalists, students and all those who work faced with the need to store large amounts of information.

Mini pen camera is ideal for covert recording at a business meeting or interview. The main advantages of the spy devices are easy to use and compact size.

To draw your friends can come in handy interesting device - handle with built-in camera. This useful gadget can record video in AVI format, sound, or you are interested in making photographs. Rechargeable lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery will run without recharging much as much as 2 hours and record everything that happens on the memory card MicroSD / TF of no more than 16GB. Battery charging time is 3 hours. And the camera-pen battery is carried out using a USB cable for shooting anybody miracle. The DVR video camera pen can be used for other purposes. Fortunately, it has a stem with removable pasta and you have no one to suspect a hidden recording.

To switch to video mode button for 2 seconds, then the red LED lights up. To activate the video recording, press the main button once the handle with a video camera and then starts recording video, and the red LED will flash slowly. To stop recording and save the footage once, press the camera button. For safety camera data automatically saves the captured files every 50 minutes then continues recording video.

3 Way RCA Audio Splitter Banggood Sale

Currently, most portable devices such as photo and video cameras, tablets, smart phones, can have a smaller version of the HDMI-mini (mini) HDMI and micro (micro) HDMI ports.

Mini and micro HDMI connectors provide the same features as the standard HDMI, simply because of the smaller size to save space on such portable devices. There are connectors on the rear panel Mini-HDMI port reduced-size cards can simultaneously use a DVI port nearby. But in view of the fact that the conventional media devices are rarely equipped with the HDMI mini port, you need an adapter to full-sized HDMI.

HDMI-HDMI cable is used for sharing HDMI devices to standard HDMI connectors. To connect the HDMI cable, you need to find a HDMI connector (see. In the figure above) on a connected device, such as laptop, LCD TV, insert the HDMI cable into these jacks. If the TV hanging on the wall, often access to the connector is difficult, in this case there are special angle adapter HDMI 90 degrees. If you have such a case, we recommend you go through this link. Be sure to turn off before connecting the attachable device!

Once everything is connected, turn on the TV, to switch the 3 way RCA audio splitter switch from the remote video source to the selected HDMI (1 side, or HDMI, etc.). If you connect a laptop or PC, the picture should appear desktop on the TV screen. It remains to adjust the desired resolution on a laptop, this right click on the desktop screen, screen resolution, and then look at what resolution suits you best.

HDMI-MINI HDMI CABLE is used to connect devices with a mini HDMI port to HDMI connector, for example to connect a digital camera, a tablet to a TV or projector. The process connection is similar to connecting HDMI-HDMI cable. If you have equipment with a mini HDMI port and you want to connect it to a standard HDMI port you will need to purchase the cable HDMI-mini HDMI. BTW, you can select the RCA splitter box at Banggood for high quality and reasonable prices.

How to Choose and Buy Arduino for Beginner

Arduino - the most popular platform amateur and educational robotics. What Arduino board or set to buy a beginner? How to buy cheap Arduino?

The Arduino is a series of input-output cards. The board has analog and digital ports to which you can connect a variety of devices (DIY-components): LEDs, sensors, buttons, motors, servos, etc.  The openness of the Arduino is known a device and allows free modification. Therefore, any manufacturer can produce boards analogue Arduino board, make changes to the board itself, not to mention free assembly kits (kits).

Visually, most of these cards look the same (on the Arduino present firm logo) and even have the same blue color (there are exceptions, but a little, Funduino, for example, red). Also, the board Arduino-analogues are usually in their name have the same prefix as the Arduino itself, for example, DCcduino UNO meets Arduino UNO (what UNO - below).

The manufacturer recommends starting learning with a set of Arduino basic starter kit. This kit contains a board Arduino UNO and other electronic components required for the initial study of the Arduino: LEDs, resistors, servo motor, button, LCD screen, piezo sensors and so on.

Almost any of these kits contain the necessary minimum for beginners and is suitable for the development of our Arduino lessons for beginners (in a small set of often no photoresist). On the purchase of ready-made robots as a way of an introduction to Arduino, we have already been contacted. For sale is a huge set of sets based on the Arduino. For younger children, a way to explore the Arduino is preferable, as it is ready to toy, in which you can play, and then parse and use the Arduino board and other components in training. BTW, you can select the Arduino learning kit at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. Arduino clock kit) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

Best Game Console and Accessories

Game - it is an integral part of everyone's life. Someone plays the guitar, someone - in basketball, chess, and someone like computer games. Generally console occupies a special position in the hierarchy of this kind of entertainment. It's been over 20 years since the first consoles "Dandy", "Sega" and our national "Just you wait!", Won the hearts of not only children but also adults.

Since then, much time has passed, but the army of fans of console gadgets is increasing day by day, with the only difference being that the game has become much more beautiful, more varied and interesting. Modern game console - is essentially the same high-performance computer, only sharpened it by the gaming industry, but with one crucial drawback for some - the inability to perform the upgrade.

Gaming "Sony" prefixes, "Xbox" and others connected to the home TV may give a lot of joy, excitement and pleasant experiences. Moreover, such a pastime sometimes brings different generations of people, if you like to spend the evening of the game. Also, one of the distinguishing features of the consoles – a versatile accessory for video game consoles. Virtually anyone has never been familiar with the computer game world, able to cope with simple joystick / gamepad. Keep this point in mind before choosing a video game console.

The Sony company's engineers have taken into account almost all the shortcomings and mistakes of the past generation consoles and equipped with a brand new device is not only an excellent set of chipsets, but also gives the unit an attractive appearance. The PS4 can connect to a mini PS4 controller keyboard.

Game consoles "Sony" last generation look very stylish thanks to the black color and original design in the form box. Today, game console 'Playstation 4 "- this is the most productive set of chipsets among all consoles. On board, the device eight cores of AMD “Jaguar”, working together with a graphics chip "Radeon". In addition, the console has 8 GB of RAM and hard drive to 1TB. This powerful "filling" and Features allow the model to obtain the title of "Best game console 2016". BTW, you can select keyboard for PS4 controller at Banggood with high quality and reasonable prices.