
Wall Clock and DIY Wall Clock Kit

Well-chosen wall clock can decorate any room. However, their choice should take into account several important points to purchase is not brought disappointment and trouble.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the mechanism of hours. And quartz and mechanical watches have their pluses and minuses. So, quartz watches do not need winding, they are more accurate and easy to use, in addition, they are usually cheaper than mechanical, and the choice of models more. Wall mechanical watches better suited for a chic environment, they will last you much longer and do not need to change the batteries in them.

By the way, we must bear in mind that battery life in quartz watches is directly dependent on its energy consumption. Accordingly, the lower the specified parameter, the less need to change batteries. Usually, the battery should be changed once a year. Power consumption depends on the clock speed. Discrete (with visible "steps" in the movement arrows) requires less energy than the smooth. Weight arrows also influences the energy consumption, they are heavier than the more energy required hours, so these details hours often made of lightweight plastic or aluminum.

Dial clocks may be made of ceramic, metal, wood, paper, film or cardboard. Cardboard and paper cannot tolerate moisture and temperature changes, so these watches are not worth buying for rooms with high humidity, or open-air. The film face is not afraid of water, but it is necessary to hide from direct sunlight, otherwise it may just burn. The most resistant materials are considered to be ceramic, metal and wood, but, unfortunately, they are much heavier than the other options, so they have to hang on the strong attachment that is not always possible.

BTW, you can buy the DIY wall clock kit at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other DIY kits (e.g. LED circuit board kits) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

