
Overwhelming 3D printing, very close to you but far away from you -part 1

"3D printing" has become synonymous with new technology, but many people still don't know what it stands for.

The British "Economist" magazine published on April 21, 2012, covers the third revolution that is being experienced in the industrial world today, with a focus on 3D printing technology. Subsequently, then US President Barack Obama repeatedly emphasized the importance of 3D printing technology in his State of the Union speech, saying that it will accelerate the growth of the US economy. Since then, 3D printing has officially entered the public's field of vision, frequently appearing in television, newspapers, and other media.

After 3D printing became the "network first search noun", everything changed. The capital market first noticed that 3D printing concept stocks began to rise, venture capitals entered the market, and the number of 3D printer entrepreneurs and practitioners continued to climb. The number began to surge, the industry alliances were listed, the exhibition and the summit forum took turns, everyone seems to have found a gold mine waiting to be excavated. At that time, "VR", "AI" and "blockchain" were still on the road.

3d printer

In the eyes of the general public, 3D printed news has repeatedly subverted their cognition, 3D printing airplanes, 3D printing cars, 3D printing houses, 3D printing foods... 3D printing seems to become omnipotent, but when people turned off the TV and looked around, and the objects around them were still irrelevant to 3D printing. People couldn't help but feel that 3D printing is close to them but far away from them.

It is true that 3d printing is a very innovative and creative technology that might completely change our world from every single aspect of life. And it is also true that with the popularity of this advanced technology, it is getting closer to our daily life. The 3d printer is no longer the professional instrument belongs to the scientists, home 3d printers, and personal 3d printers can be seen on the market now.

