
Overwhelming 3D printing, very close to you but far away from you -part 2

Recently, Estonian scientists are re-examining the idea of building a house with peat. Estonia has many peat resources, and this time they are studying the use of 3D printing technology. Researchers at the University of Tartu and the University of Life Sciences in Estonia have created a 3D printed concrete-based material that is completed with a 3D printer.

After all, 3D printing is still a manufacturing technology. It is undeniable that 3D printing will bring about changes in manufacturing methods, and it will also bring about changes in manufacturing thinking. However, its development and popularization still require a long process, which is much longer than the popularity of the Internet or smartphones. The first to contact and use 3D printing technology is some companies or groups with strong financial strength or urgent needs or dare to try new technologies. With the intervention of capital, the upgrading, evolution, and renewal of technology, the cost of equipment and materials has decreased, the number of talents in the industry has increased, the media attention has increased, and the government has increased its support. The advantages of 3D printing have become more and more prominent. The small circle of the 3d printer is further expanded.

3d printer

It is worth noting that 3D printing is subtly entering people's lives, and perhaps inadvertently, you have used 3D printing technology. The ring you wear on your hand, the invisible braces that you wear on your teeth, the one that you see in the museum, the drone that is flying remotely... all have 3D printing technology behind the back. However, the road to the popularization of 3D printing is still very long. All of this needs to be added to the dimension of time. I hope that this new technology will be applied to various fields at an early date, so that people can enjoy the benefits and convenience brought by new technologies.

